Seeing a Chiropractor: Finding Ways to Keep Your Pain Away

Understanding How Your Chiropractor Can Help with Kyphosis Treatment

by Carlos Butler

If you have kyphosis, you may be struggling to deal with the chronic pain and discomfort that comes along with it. Along with some physical therapy techniques and pain management options, you may be able to get some relief from routine visits to a chiropractor. In fact, if you're seeing a chiropractor regularly before the diagnosis, he or she may even be the one to diagnose the condition. If you're not familiar with kyphosis, this overview will help you understand the condition and its chiropractic treatment options.

Diagnosing Kyphosis

Kyphosis is a condition that is marked by a significant curvature to your spine. Your chiropractor will look for visible rounding in your mid-back, and will then confirm the diagnosis with a set of X-rays and a thorough physical examination.

This condition has many causes, including congenital problems, long-term poor posture and physical trauma. Working with a chiropractor can help you identify the cause of your condition. This is an important part of the process, because you need to understand the root cause to develop a treatment plan that will be truly effective.

Treating Discomfort

Some forms of kyphosis can benefit greatly from chiropractic treatment. For example, conditions caused by posture problems can be addressed by chiropractic adjustment and posture training. Because posture problems take time to correct, patience is the key to seeing results with this type of treatment.

If you have difficulties with inflammation and degeneration between your spinal discs, the chiropractor will be able to do some manual adjustment and massage to help ease discomfort. In fact, there are a few different types of spinal manipulation that chiropractors use for kyphosis treatment.

Specific, Directed Manipulation

During this process, the chiropractor will identify the joints that are suffering from limited movement. Then, he or she will target the adjustment and massage to those areas specifically. This can help to stimulate your nervous system, which may help you restore movement in your spine.


This process is a gentle, hands-on adjustment approach that helps patients who are suffering from a degenerative disc condition. It's helpful when you are experiencing mid-back motion issues.

Manual Resistance

Muscle energy treatments will help to build up resistance in your joints. This is important, because it can help to address weakened joints due to the curve in your spine and will help you restore some of your range of motion.

Soft Tissue

Chiropractic soft tissue treatments focus massage and manipulation treatment around the soft tissue that surrounds your spine. Since kyphosis can cause strain and tension on muscles and soft tissue in the spinal area, this can make a significant difference.

Other Treatment Options

In addition to these chiropractic treatments, you'll also find that braces, supportive athletic taping and electrical stimulation therapy are often helpful for kyphosis. You may even be supplied with a series of at-home stretches and exercises designed to help restore some movement and strengthen the muscles along either side of the spine.

Talk to a chiropractor supply professional about a kyphosis evaluation if you're struggling with persistent back pain. With these treatment options, you can help ease the discomfort.
