Seeing a Chiropractor: Finding Ways to Keep Your Pain Away

An Overview Of Nonsurgical Spinal Decompression Treatments Your Chiropractor Might Provide

by Carlos Butler

Spinal compression can cause a variety of symptoms depending on where along your spine the problem occurs. You might experience numbness, tingling, or weakness in your arms or legs. You'll probably experience pain as well due to pressure against a nerve.

One treatment for spinal compression is surgery. However, your chiropractor might help your condition using nonsurgical means. Here's an overview of nonsurgical spinal decompression.

The Treatment Is Provided In The Office

Your chiropractor provides spinal decompression in their office using a computerized table made for the job. Treatment takes several minutes, and you'll probably do multiple treatments over a course of several weeks. The table the chiropractor uses is operated by a computer that contains the exact moves needed for your spine. The table can also sense resistance so the amount of decompression can be controlled to keep you comfortable.

You might be positioned on your front or back for this treatment. The table has two parts, and the lower part is the one that moves. The chiropractor attaches your lower body to the table with a strap so your lower body moves along with the table. The movement opens your spine in a rhythmic way. Your spine is stretched and relaxed continually throughout the treatment.

Spinal Decompression Provides Pain Relief

One of the goals of spinal decompression is to pull your spine open so pressure is relieved on the compressed nerve. This could provide immediate pain relief. However, at first, the pain relief may only be temporary.

Spinal Decompression Delivers Nourishment

Another goal of nonsurgical spinal decompression is to create a negative pressure in the area of your spine that opens up so nutrients can flood the injury. The increased blood flow and nutrients help your injured disc or pinched nerve heal.

By having multiple treatment sessions, your spine will be flooded with blood and oxygen regularly so healing of your spine can take place over several weeks.

The Treatments Are Comfortable To Take

You shouldn't have any increase in pain while you do a spinal decompression treatment. The movement of the table is slow and gentle, so it is easily tolerated. In addition to working with the table, your chiropractor might advise you to drink plenty of water and eat a healthy diet so your body gets all the nutrients it needs to heal.

There may be some medical conditions, such as pregnancy, that make you unsuitable for this type of chiropractic care. Your chiropractor performs a careful evaluation of your condition and general health to make sure you are a good match for using the decompression table. 

For more information, contact a local office like Roach Family Wellness.
